A congregation-wide effort reaching out to church members providing spiritual and emotional support during times of need, and also in times of plenty, by ways of visits, calls, cards, discussion groups, and social media contact.
Dr. Frank Dunbar
Minister of Congregational Life
Prayer Team
Caring Connections Team
Spiritual Formation/Discipleship
Winter Retreat (Register here)
Spiritual Formation & Discipleship Opportunities
A key aspect of ministry at Newburg is providing opportunities for spiritual growth and meaningful discipleship. Through our various discussion groups, some led by pastoral staff and others led by congregation members, many opportunities are available each week to study the scriptures, explore topics of interest, and even try out new spiritual practices. The current set of discussion groups is listed below, but if you have something you would like to offer or have us consider, don't hesitate to contact Dr. Dunbar, who oversees Congregational Life.
Weekly Schedule
UNPACKED // Following Worship // Asbury Lounge
Led by Dr. Frank Dunbar (email)
Deeper Faith // 12 PM // On Skype
Led by James Fredrick (email)
Lectio // 1 PM // Asbury Lounge
Led by Dr. Frank Dunbar (email)
Taking Steps in Loss and Life // 6:30 PM // Swift Conf. Rm.
Led by Pastor Chad & Roschenne Parmalee​
Men's Bible Study // 7:30 PM Every other Week // Skype
Led by James Fredrick (email)