"Music is great. Jesus is greater!"

Worship Leader

Organist & Accompanist

Director of Choirs

The NewburgUMC Music & Worship ministries helps lead the church in magnifying the greatness of God and the redemptive work of Jesus Christ through music and other acts of worship and so motivate the church to proclaim and cherish the truth about God and live for His glory.
Worship Arts
The Worship Arts ministries is open to all ages and skill levels!
Worship Leaders | Rehearsals Wednesday 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM & Sunday 9:00 AM
Newburg's worship is led by many talented vocalists, instrumentalists, and readers of all ages. Whether you are interested in leading the congregation's singing with your voice or instrument, reading Scripture, or playing a song for the prelude or postlude, everyone is welcome to lend their skills to Newburg's worship.
Tech Team | Serves Sunday Mornings at 9:30 AM
The Tech Team seeks to facilitate a culturally engaging environment for worship through the excellent execution of planned sound, video, and live streaming, learn more.
Chancel Choir | Rehearsals Wednesdays 7:10 PM - 8:00 PM
This Chancel Choir regularly provides special anthems for Sunday morning worship.
They also perform in concerts and special events throughout the year.
Sweet Spirit | Rehearsals Sundays 11:20 AM
Sweet Spirit is a small vocal group, that prepares special pieces featured during Sunday worship services and combines with the Chancel Choir for special events.
Cantabile Bells | Rehearsals Wednesdays 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Our handbell group provides special music for worship about once a month. They rehearse weekly and enhance Newburg's worship by offering God their unique talent and sounds.