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About the Team

The Tech Team seeks to facilitate a culturally engaging environment for worship through the excellent execution of planned sound, video, and live streaming.

When scheduled arrive to worship early that week to set up for services and then run all elements of production for service.

What to expect:

First, there is absolutely no experience needed. With training, we will teach you all you need to know. As a member of our team, the commitment is usually no more than once a month.



The projector operators control the videos screens in the sanctuary, presenting the song lyrics, liturgy responses, and videos to the congregation. All the slides are prepared before Sunday so all you have to do is pay attention to the service and click the next slide!



Our sound volunteers take care of all of the audio parts of the Sunday morning service. They turn microphones on and off with the press of a button and are prepared to make small adjustments to the mix as needed.



The newest part of our tech team, live-stream volunteers gets to control which cameras are used for the online service. Using Newburg's camera switcher and broadcasting software, they help the online church follow along with each Sunday service.

Microphone on Sound Board
Whether you’re a singer, an instrumentalist, or are interested in sound, video, or anything else music & worship arts, we’d love for you to join us!

The choir and handbells are on hiatus for the summer, so we need some of you talented individuals to provide music for Newburg's "Offering in Song" time during Sunday worship, July through August. If you'd like to share a song, please signup for a Sunday.

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